Sleep Blog

Welcome to the MLILY sleep blog

Finding Balance

Life is all about balance. Despite this, equilibrium can sometimes fall by the wayside as we wade through our busy lives. Stress, lack of sleep and anxiety are all too common emotions of the modern day. To fight this tension; follow this quick, handy guide on how to maintain balance and harmony in your life.

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Sleep Myths 1

Sleep can definitely seem like a mystery at times. Despite it being a common, everyday activity in our lives, we are all still trying to work out why we sleep, what sleep actually is, and which factors determine or affect our rest. Along with all the speculation appear plenty of sleep myths, some of which can be both misleading and even detrimental to health. Take a look below to see some sleep myths debunked once and for all.

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Coffee Naps

Regular napping has been shown to increase cognitive performance, boost mood and deliver an extra hit of energy to fight against afternoon crashes. However, there’s a new form of napping gaining popularity- coffee naps. Although coffee and sleep don’t particularly match up in people’s minds with a restorative sleep - when combined with a quick power nap, the combination of caffeine and dozing can make for a great energy boost.

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Dream Quality & Dream Hangovers?

Can Dreams affect Sleep Quality? Although at times they can be completely bizarre, dreams are a normal part of sleep and an everyday occurrence in our lives. Despite the vast majority of people being unable to remember what they dreamt the night before, we actually dream for two hours each night, usually as we enter into the ‘Rapid Eye Movement’ form of sleep, usually referred to as (REM).

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Creativity at Night

Although it might not seem that logical, as in the evening we tend to feel pretty drowsy, the period before we drop off into slumber holds the most creative potential within our minds. Sleep and relaxation allow our unconnected brain cells to basically link up- resulting in a flood of philosophies. If you end up with a string of ideas coming into your head in the evenings, here are five great tips on how to harness this creative ability to ultimately channel it into your work.

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Back To School Night time Routine For Kids

As back-to-school preparations begin, now is the perfect time to prepare your kids for a more routine bedtime. Take a look at these tips to get your kids back on a regular night time routine and ready to go back to school!

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